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‘UN failing religious minorities and Christian converts’

‘UN failing religious minorities and Christian converts’
The suffering of persecuted Christians around the world is exacerbated by the failure of UN bodies to fulfil their obligations to uphold religious freedom, a damning report has claimed. The 27-page report, starkly entitled The UN’s Failure to Promote and Protect Religious Freedom, argues that concerns about the protection of . . . Read More

Pastor killed, 2 churches destroyed in renewed violence in Central African Republic

Pastor killed, 2 churches destroyed in renewed violence in Central African Republic
Hundreds of internally displaced people (IDPs), shaken by the renewed violence, have returned to the refugee camp at Bangui M’Poko Airport, where they sought refuge when the violence first erupted in 2013. A flare-up of violence in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), on 7 February left . . . Read More

Indonesian church closed for years told: you can reopen if mosque allowed on your land

Indonesian church closed for years told: you can reopen if mosque allowed on your land
UPDATE (10 Feb, 2017): An Indonesian church closed for years by order of the local mayor has been told it can reopen if a mosque is also allowed on its premises. The GKI Yasmin Church in Bogor, 60km south of Jakarta, had resorted to holding open-air services outside the Presidential . . . Read More

Presidential change in Somalia unlikely to improve situation for Christian minority

Presidential change in Somalia unlikely to improve situation for Christian minority
Air traffic over Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, was halted today (8 Feb) as MPs and senators gathered at the airport to elect former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as the country’s new president. Newly elected President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is Somalia’s former Prime Minister (2012 photo). The outgoing president, Hassan Sheikh . . . Read More