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Four Ethiopian teenagers leave prison ‘in good health’ after sentence for giving out Christian book

Four Ethiopian teenagers leave prison ‘in good health’ after sentence for giving out Christian book
Four Ethiopian teenagers given a one-month jail sentence for distributing Christian literature are reported to be in “good health” following their release from prison on 22 December. The girls were found guilty of “inciting religious violence” and started their sentence on 25 November, despite three of them being minors. Gifti, . . . Read More

Christians ‘excluded’ from Iraq’s reconstruction plans

Christians are being excluded from the reconstruction plans for northern Iraq, further eroding the likelihood of their return once Islamic State has been militarily defeated there, an alliance of UK-based charities has warned. Iraqi Christians firmly believe that Iraq is their spiritual homeland; their presence dates back at least to . . . Read More

Indian evangelist suffers brain haemorrhage after police grilling

Indian evangelist suffers brain haemorrhage after police grilling
K.A. Swamy.World Watch Monitor   An Indian Christian has suffered a brain haemorrhage after he was interrogated by police about his role in distributing Bibles and other Christian literature in the city where he works as a professor of engineering. K.A. Swamy, 47, was marched to the police station at . . . Read More

US missionary receives award for ‘changing hearts’ among Colombia’s FARC

Russell Stendal, right, meets with FARC negotiators Yuri Camargo, left; and Noel Pérez, center, in Cuba in Early 2015.
Russ Stendal.World Watch Monitor   An American missionary has received an award for his decades of work ministering to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or the FARC, whose 50-year fight against the government had been the world’s longest continuous war when it ended in a peace agreement last August. . . . Read More

Christians in Nigeria’s Jigawa State cry out as authorities begin church demolition

Christians in Nigeria’s Jigawa State cry out as authorities begin church demolition
Anxiety is high among Christian communities in Nigeria’s northern state of Jigawa after authorities began demolishing church buildings in Dutse, the state capital. On 11 January, bulldozers, escorted by security forces, reduced to rubble the Redeem Christian Church of God and the Lord Chosen Church. They arrived at the Redeem . . . Read More

‘90,000 Christian martyrs annually’ claim disputed

‘90,000 Christian martyrs annually’ claim disputed
Global charity Open Doors has disputed the way in which statistics on Christian “martyrs” are collected, arguing that an annual figure of 90,000, recently reported widely, is significantly higher than the accurately verifiable number. The figure, reported by some media and cited by an Italian academic on Vatican Radio, was . . . Read More