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Murder of Fulani Christian mayor in Mali increases concerns over creeping Islamic extremism

Murder of Fulani Christian mayor in Mali increases concerns over creeping Islamic extremism
The motive behind the murder of a Fulani Christian politician in Mali last month remains unknown, but locals suspect an Islamist agenda. Moussa Issah Bary, the 47-year-old deputy mayor of Kerana (near the Burkina Faso border), was shot dead by six unidentified men on motorbikes on 16 November. He is . . . Read More

Sudanese pastors pressured to ‘inform’ or stand trial

Sudanese pastors pressured to ‘inform’ or stand trial
Forty-eight-year-old father of three Rev. Yamane Abraha received an ultimatum in Khartoum following a trip to Ethiopia in the autumn of 2015. “[Sudanese government] security threatened me, saying I would have to appear in court either as a witness, or an accused,” the Evangelical Baptist Church of Khartoum pastor told . . . Read More

Devastation of liberated Iraqi Christian towns makes return home seem further away than ever

Devastation of liberated Iraqi Christian towns makes return home seem further away than ever
Now the smoke has gone from the Nineveh Plain, it is clear that Islamic State fighters dealt one final, vicious blow to the Christian population before surrendering its occupied towns: by systematically setting fire to their homes, thousands have become practically uninhabitable. Suddenly, for many Christians, the prospect of returning . . . Read More

Another court hearing, but no end in sight for Iranian Christian converts

Another court hearing, but no end in sight for Iranian Christian converts
Youcef Nadarkhani is greeted by his wife, Tina, after his release from prison in September 2012.The Nadarkhani family   A second court hearing took place today (14 Dec.) for four Iranian converts to Christianity charged with “acting against national security”. Youcef Nadarkhani, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Saheb Fadaie and Mohammad Reza Omidi . . . Read More

Indonesian Christian governor insists ‘no insult intended’ as ‘blasphemy’ trial begins

Indonesian Christian governor insists ‘no insult intended’ as ‘blasphemy’ trial begins
UPDATE (13 Dec.) Indonesian Christian governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (better known as “Ahok”), fought back tears during the first day of his blasphemy trial today (13 Dec.). Ahok – only the second Christian and the second governor of Chinese descent to lead the Indonesian capital city, Jakarta – is alleged to have “misused” . . . Read More