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India: Christian grandmother murdered for ‘disturbing the peace’

India: Christian grandmother murdered for ‘disturbing the peace’
Samari Kasabi’s son, Sukura (left), and his family outside their village home in Dokawaya, Chhattisgarh.Courtesy Open Doors International   An Indian grandmother was stripped naked, beaten to death and her body burned, apparently because her Christian faith was “disturbing the peace” in her village. The incident, in the central Indian . . . Read More

UPDATE First religious freedom case under new Nepal constitution: all charges dropped

UPDATE First religious freedom case under new Nepal constitution: all charges dropped
The eight arrested Christians after their release on bail, Dolakha, Nepal 2016Vishal Arora   UPDATE: A court in Nepal has dropped a case against eight Christians, the first case about freedom of religion since the country’s new constitution was implemented in 2015. The seven men and one woman, all counsellors, . . . Read More

Mexico ‘in denial’ over Christians forced out of homes for their beliefs

Mexico ‘in denial’ over Christians forced out of homes for their beliefs
Twelve of the 30 evangelical Christians evicted from the village of Tuxpan de Bolaños in Jalisco in January. Courtesy Open Doors International Mexico has a “policy of denial” about the thousands of evangelical Christians forced out of their homes because of their beliefs, according to a Mexican human rights activist. . . . Read More