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Donors pledge $2.2bn to help Central African Republic recover

Donors pledge $2.2bn to help Central African Republic recover
Oxfam says half the 4.8 million population of the Central African Republic needs humanitarian assistance. Open Doors International The President of the Evangelical Alliance in the Central African Republic has praised the international community’s pledge of US$2.2 billion to help reconstruct a county ravaged by three years of civil war. Around . . . Read More

Indonesia’s only Christian governor questioned by police amid ‘blasphemy’ furore

Indonesia’s only Christian governor questioned by police amid ‘blasphemy’ furore
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (better known by his nickname, ‘Ahok’), during a re-election speech in Jakarta on 16 November. He was questioned by police on 22 November after being named a suspect in a blasphemy investigation seen by critics as a test of religious tolerance in Indonesia, the world’s most populous . . . Read More

‘We must distinguish between Islam and terrorism’

‘We must distinguish between Islam and terrorism’
Keeping the distinction between Islam and terrorism clear could prevent an ultimate ‘Clash of Civilisations’, an EU diplomat says. “All this hatred and bloodshed is a misuse of religion,” said Ján Figeľ, the European Commission’s first Special Envoy for the promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU. . . . Read More

Failure to bring IS to justice shows UN genocide conventions ‘obsolete’

Failure to bring IS to justice shows UN genocide conventions ‘obsolete’
The UN has broken the pledges it made in the aftermath of World War II to prevent genocide from recurring, said Ewelina Ochab.World Watch Monitor   The UN must urgently put in place measures to hold to account jihadists who have committed atrocities against minorities in Iraq and Syria, because . . . Read More

Victims of Boko Haram, Fulani violence to receive trauma counselling

Victims of Boko Haram, Fulani violence to receive trauma counselling
A trauma care centre is being constructed in Nigeria to support Christians who have suffered religiously motivated violence or abuse at the hands of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen. The centre is being built by Open Doors International, a charity which supports Christians under pressure for their faith. In April, . . . Read More