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Anser’s story

Anser’s story
Anser Javed’s father was a sanitary worker in Karachi; his mother was a sweeper. When his father then died in a work accident, the Pakistani Christian boy was sent to an orphanage as his mother was too poor to care for him. Nevertheless, with support and personal determination, he eventually . . . Read More

Celebration for thousands of displaced Iraqis ahead of bittersweet homecoming

Celebration for thousands of displaced Iraqis ahead of bittersweet homecoming
The event opened with around 100 young people forming the shape of a cross.Babylon Ministries   Thousands of displaced Iraqi Christians celebrated a “Return Festival” as the military advance against Islamic State (IS) in and around the city of Mosul raised their hopes of returning home after two years in . . . Read More

Uzbekistan releases jailed Christian convert after six years

Uzbekistan releases jailed Christian convert after six years
Tohar Haydarov.International Council of Churches of Evangelical Christians and Baptists Uzbek authorities have released a Christian convert six years into his 10-year jail sentence. Tohar Haydarov, 33, was released on parole on 8 November after serving six years and 10 months of his prison term. A judge had ruled he . . . Read More

Iraqi Christians ask: Where were our Kurdish protectors when IS came?

Iraqi Christians ask: Where were our Kurdish protectors when IS came?
A young girl in a camp in Levo, northern Iraq, holds up a picture of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. One question that still angers many of the Christians who fled northern Iraq as jihadists from Islamic State (IS) advanced on their towns and villages is, “Where were the Kurdish . . . Read More