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UPDATE: Iran allows Azerbaijani Christians home on ‘conditional’ release

UPDATE: Iran allows Azerbaijani Christians home on ‘conditional’ release
Three Azerbaijani Christians, accused by Iran of “missionary activities”, were allowed to go home on Sunday (6 Nov.), after more than four months in prison, Middle East Concern (MEC) said. Eldar Gurbanov, 48, Yusif Farhadov, 51, Bahram Nasibov, 37, and an Iranian, Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh, have been released from prison, . . . Read More

UPDATE: Nigeria: suspects in blasphemy case released

UPDATE: Nigeria: suspects in blasphemy case released
Christian Center in Abuja, Nigeria, Feb. 2016 (World Watch Monitor) A court in Nigeria’s northern city of Kano has freed five people detained in relation with the killing of a pastor’s wife who had been accused of blasphemy. Bridget Agbahime, 74, wife of Mike Agbahime, pastor of Deeper Life Bible . . . Read More

UPDATE: Protests in Algeria for release of sick Christian

UPDATE: Protests in Algeria for release of sick Christian
Bouhafs’ family said seeking a presidential pardon is a ‘last resort and the only possible solution to set him free’.World Watch Monitor Protesters in Algeria have called for the release of Slimane Bouhafs, an evangelical Christian jailed for three years in September for “insulting Islam and the prophet Mohammed” in . . . Read More

Two Pakistani Christian families escape blasphemy accusations

Two Pakistani Christian families escape blasphemy accusations
Two blasphemy cases lodged against Pakistani Christians accused of desecrating Islamic scriptures have been dropped in the past week. The cases related to alleged offences under Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws and were registered in separate incidents, hundreds of miles apart. In both cases Christians were initially suspected of the crime . . . Read More

Christian convert in French refugee camp told: ‘We will kill you’

Christian convert in French refugee camp told: ‘We will kill you’
A Kurdish church leader smuggled to Britain says he received death threats – for having left Islam for Christianity – while living in makeshift camps in northern France. The church leader, who did not wish to be identified, spent nine months living in camps outside the French cities of Calais . . . Read More