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UK Foreign Office hosts global summit on freedom of religion or belief

UK Foreign Office hosts global summit on freedom of religion or belief
“Religious freedom can counter violent extremism” was the key message at a two-day global conference held at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) last week. The conference explored ways to build resilience against extremism and identified opportunities for collaboration. More than 50 expert speakers and over 170 participants from . . . Read More

Christianity once considered a ‘disease’, but now ‘tolerated’ in Cuba

Christianity once considered a ‘disease’, but now ‘tolerated’ in Cuba
The ruins of a church in the town of Trinidad, in the central Cuban province of Sancti Spíritus.Cristian Viarisio / Flickr / CC   Christians in Cuba used to face constant pressure from the authorities for being thought “anti-revolutionaries”. It was said that being Christian was a “disease”. They were . . . Read More

The potential impact of US elections on the Church in Cuba

The potential impact of US elections on the Church in Cuba
It’s been a year since the US embassy in Havana was opened, followed by the historic visit by President Barack Obama. Since then, collaboration between the two countries has increased. “Direct flights are due to begin this month, travel restrictions have been eased for US citizens and bilateral cooperation increased . . . Read More

Nigerian Middle Belt state: 800+ Christians killed, 800+ injured, 100+ churches destroyed

Nigerian Middle Belt state: 800+ Christians killed, 800+ injured, 100+ churches destroyed
Nigeria’s Middle Belt is the scene of ever-continuing attacks on Christian farmers by mainly Muslim Hausa-Fulani herdsmen, including this past week where attacks have occurred in both Kaduna and Benue states. Now a recent report about another state in the Middle Belt, Nasarawa, shows that it too has been the scene . . . Read More