World Watch monitor does not share your information with anyone. Period.
Here are the ways our website uses information that your computer provides to us:
World Watch Monitor uses geo-location technology to determine the country associated with your IP address. This data is used by:
- Google Analytics, to provide us with summary information about our visitors.
- Our website, so that it can show you the World Watch List that is published in your country.
Our website uses cookies for the following purposes:
- Google Analytics. The cookie enables Google Analytics to determine repeat visitors and collect data on each visit.
- On repeat visits to WWM, to provide us with the country associated with your IP address. This speeds up the process of displaying the World Watch List that is published in your country.
- Social sharing. The “Share” buttons on each news article, which allow you to share WWM news via social media, use cookies.
- The Twitter feed on our website adds a cookie to your web browser.