18 Chibok parents have died as wait for girls goes on

18 Chibok parents have died as wait for girls goes on
As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Christmas with close friends and family members, the Christians in Chibok prepare for another Christmas without their girls. Below, World Watch Monitor speaks to Yakubu Nkiki Maina, the chairman of the Chibok Abducted School Girls’ Parents’ Association. His 18-year-old daughter, Maimuna, was . . . Read More

Chibok girls not among 900 rescued

None of the 900 people freed from Boko Haram captivity earlier this month are victims of the 2014 kidnapping of schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigeria, according to news reports. Cameroon said 2 Dec. it had freed the 900, held by the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency, in Nigeria’s northern region. As , . . . Read More

Boko Haram ‘more deadly terror group’ in 2014 than IS

Boko Haram ‘more deadly terror group’ in 2014 than IS
Boko Haram was the world’s deadliest terror group in 2014, ahead of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, according to a report released on 18 Nov. by the Institute of Economics & Peace. It was responsible for 6,664 deaths in 2014, more than any other terrorist group in the world, according to the Global . . . Read More

Fleeing Boko Haram – nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Fleeing Boko Haram – nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
A special report by IRIN, built on field visits to Nigeria’s north-eastern region which the military has re-taken from the Boko Haram insurgency, reveals an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in the Lake Chad Basin region. In Europe, Syrian refugees with the means head for their country of choice, armies of aid . . . Read More

Report: Christianity contracting in MidEast, Africa

Report: Christianity contracting in MidEast, Africa
Christianity is fast disappearing from entire regions, most notably a huge chunk of the Middle East, and could vanish from Iraq within five years, according to a new report by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. Released in the UK’s House of Lords on Tuesday, the report, “Persecuted and . . . Read More