Cameroonians killed in Boko Haram attacks

Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 16 people and burning down 60 homes in villages on Cameroon’s northern border with Nigeria, close to where the militants still hold positions. Esaje Djewed, a witness, told World Watch Monitor that there were some Christians among the dead. Another witness, Maina Gabriel, . . . Read More

Religious groups face extinction around world

Campaigners warn that 100 years after the Armenian genocide there are still religious and ethnic groups facing extinction around the world. Groups identified include Christians in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and the Central African Republic (CAR), and the Christian Kachin in Myanmar. Each of these countries is listed on the 2015 . . . Read More

2014: A year of particular concern

2014: A year of particular concern
If ever there were a year that made plain the importance of religious freedom, 2014 was it, according to the just-released annual report by an American government advisory group. “By any measure, the horrors of the past year speak volumes about how and why religious freedom and the protection of the . . . Read More

Hope – and anxiety – after Buhari’s win

Hope – and anxiety – after Buhari’s win
Former Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, the All Progressives Congress candidate for president, at Chatham House in London in February 2015.Flickr / Chatham House / Creative Commons   Nigeria’s Christians, especially those in the troubled northeast, had a good reason to be worried that Muhammadu Buhari would be elected president. The former . . . Read More

The man who talks to Boko Haram

The man who talks to Boko Haram
One year after the kidnapping of 232 Nigerian girls, Australian Stephen Davis still says his contacts indicate complicity among Nigerian politicians. A year ago April 14, Boko Haram kidnapped 275 girls from the government secondary school in the Christian-dominated town of Chibok, Borno State. Students reported to the Chibok Government Secondary . . . Read More

‘Are you ready to renounce your Christian faith?’

‘Are you ready to renounce your Christian faith?’
Anticipation of further violence as Nigeria begins voting for its next president is growing after the release of a new video shows Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau threatening that the election ‘will not happen in peace’. The chilling message will alarm Christians from Nigeria’s northern states who live in persistent . . . Read More

Boko Haram headlines hide persecution of Christians in mid-Nigeria, too

Boko Haram headlines hide persecution of Christians in mid-Nigeria, too
The whole world has heard of the Chibok abduction: the 276 girls, predominantly Christians, kidnapped by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria in April 2014. There are 220 still missing. But the publicity surrounding this serves to hide a more widespread persecution of Christians in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria. Nigeria . . . Read More