Gunmen kill 100 Christian villagers in central Nigeria

Gunmen kill 100 Christian villagers in central Nigeria
While all eyes are on Nigeria’s north-eastern regions where the radical group Boko Haram is at last being challenged by multi-national military forces, violence targeting Christian communities in the group of states across the centre of Nigeria, known as the Middle Belt, has increased dramatically. This comes ahead of Presidential . . . Read More

Nigerians, fearing election violence, forfeit vote to move to other end of country

Nigerians, fearing election violence, forfeit vote to move to other end of country
Ahead of Nigeria’s general elections on 28 March, hundreds of people, fearful of election violence, have fled back to their place of origin, World Watch Monitor has been told. The election was originally scheduled for 14 February, before being postponed to the March date for security reasons. Take for example . . . Read More

Boko Haram’s attacks spread into Niger sparking mass exodus

Boko Haram’s attacks spread into Niger sparking mass exodus
Nigeria’s neighbour to its north, French-speaking Niger, is the latest country to pledge its army will fight the radical Islamic group, Boko Haram. Boko Haram’s military and strategic advance has already provoked the postponement of Nigeria’s Presidential election, due to have been held this Saturday, 14 February. The election is . . . Read More

Is Chad helping to combat Boko Haram?

An article by Institute for Security Studies questions whether Chad’s military intervention, dispatching 2,000 soldiers to the Nigeria borders region this month, is going to make the situation of combatting Boko Haram better or worse. Published on 27 January, it explains the region’s increasing need of help by external powers and . . . Read More

Recent violence in Niger shows growing intolerance among religious groups

Recent violence in Niger shows growing intolerance among religious groups
Mixed emotions were evident as members of the Christian community in Niger gathered for their services on Sunday, 25 January, 2015. Some were full of joy to get back to church; others could barely hide their sorrow. A week ago, the church bells remained silent. Ten people died during that . . . Read More

Churches burned down over anti-Charlie Hebdo demonstration in Niger

Churches burned down over anti-Charlie Hebdo demonstration in Niger
A 2013 church service in Niger.Courtesy Open Doors International   At least five churches in southeastern Niger were ransacked and burned down Friday by hundreds of Islamist demonstrators angered by a cartoon published by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. According to local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor, hundreds of . . . Read More

Paris attacks parallel fears over growing jihadist threat in Africa

Paris attacks parallel fears over growing jihadist threat in Africa
Several African leaders, concerned by the rise of Islamism in the continent, attended the Paris anti-terror march, on Sunday, January 11th. Among the 50 foreign leaders who marched there, African heads of state included those from Mali, Niger, Senegal, Benin, Togo, and Gabon. They all expressed their sympathy to France . . . Read More

Boko Haram – why it’s hard to know the truth

Difficulty establishing facts connected with atrocities committed by Boko Haram has prompted criticism of Nigeria’s government and military spokespeople, especially following the attack in Baga that Amnesty International has called the ‘deadliest massacre’ in the history of the terror group. According to a BBC report Nigerian authorities have been silent . . . Read More