Coptic woman elected for first time

A Coptic Christian woman has been chosen to lead a political party in Egypt for the first time. Hala Shukrallah, 59, was elected to take over from Mohamed El Baradei (former head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog) as head of the Dostour (‘Constitution’) Party on Feb. 21. A number of . . . Read More

Freedom of religion an issue ‘whose time has come’

Freedom of religion an issue ‘whose time has come’
Freedom of religion and belief is an issue “whose time has come”, the vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said yesterday. During the presentation of two reports on religious freedom at the European Parliament in Brussels on Feb. 12, commission Vice Chairwoman Katrina Lantos Swett said . . . Read More

Kidnappings surge in Egypt

International Christian Concern is reporting an upswing in abductions of Christians in Egypt. ICC reports that at least eight Christians from Minya province, south of Cairo in the Upper Egypt region, have been abducted since 25 January by suspected members of the Muslim Brotherhood and that these are “just a . . . Read More