Egyptian pastor ‘fine and safe’

Reports that an Egyptian pastor was kidnapped on Thursday (Aug. 15) were false, according to The World Today, a Swedish newspaper. Nasralla Salib, pastor of a Seventh-Day Adventist church in Asyut, on Friday (Aug. 16) told the newspaper he was “fine and safe”, having been sheltered from trouble by Muslim . . . Read More


That’s the number of Christians among the 25 people sworn in as governors by Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour on Tuesday, according to Mideast Christian News. Egypt has 27 governates; Mansour filled the governor’s position in all but two of them. The incoming slate of regional executives has a Mubarak-era . . . Read More

Religious animosity grows in Egypt

Mainstream media have picked up on the religious dimension of sectarian clashes in Egypt. The Associated Press on Aug. 8 took a broad look at the issue, which included this chilling quote from an Assiut shopkeeper: “[Islamists] run their index finger across their throats to suggest they will slaughter us, . . . Read More

Copts suffer pro-Morsi backlash

Twenty-three houses belonging to Coptic Christians have been set on fire in Naga Hassan village, Egypt, after a Muslim man was reportedly killed in an altercation with three Copts on July 5, writes Egypt Independent. Although local residents said the altercation had no religious or political motivation, others are concerned . . . Read More

All change again in the Middle East

All change again in the Middle East
Middle Eastern Christians are experiencing one of the most significant periods in their history, according to religious and political leaders meeting in London last week. Regime changes in Egypt and Iran, and sectarian violence in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, have presented an opportunity for the Christian minority to speak out, . . . Read More

‘Epidemic’ of sexual violence in Egypt

In the midst of the political demonstrations in Egypt, violent attacks have been carried out against at least 91 women in the past week. According to Human Rights Watch, many of these extended acts of aggressions are pre-meditated assaults by groups of men.