Who speaks for Islam in Pakistan – and where does that leave non-Muslims?

Who speaks for Islam in Pakistan – and where does that leave non-Muslims?
Last week, a Muslim student was killed by a mob after posting allegedly “blasphemous” content on social media. His murder was the latest in a long line of religiously motivated attacks in Pakistan, many of which were inspired by the country’s strict blasphemy laws. Below, World Watch Monitor takes a look at . . . Read More

Indonesia’s Christian governor Ahok fails in re-election bid, as ‘blasphemy’ trial continues

Indonesia’s Christian governor Ahok fails in re-election bid, as ‘blasphemy’ trial continues
Preliminary results suggest that Jakarta’s Christian governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (better known as “Ahok”), has failed in his re-election bid, as his trial for “blasphemy” goes on. Ahok is accused of insulting a Qur’anic verse during a campaign speech. Hard-line Islamist groups have rallied large crowds against him in recent . . . Read More

Croatian government urged not to expel Iranian Christians

Iran is not a safe place for those who have converted to Christianity.  Photo: Open Doors Netherlands
Activists and representatives of the Croatian Baptist Church are urging the state not to deport Christian asylum-seekers to Iran, saying they could face serious consequences because of their faith, reports Balkan Insight. Iran is known to be a country where living as a Christian is difficult, especially for those who . . . Read More

Concerns about tolerant Indonesia: 3 more churches closed

Church members of the Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) of Yasmin Bogor and the Batak Christian Church (HKBP) of Filadelfia Bekasi, along with inter-faith human rights activists and students of the Jakarta Art Institute, held the 100th open-air Sunday Service in front of State Palace in September 2015 after their church buildings were sealed in 2010. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Indonesian authorities in Bogor, West Java, have banned three churches from holding religious activities. According to UCANews the Methodist Church Indonesia, Huria Batak Protestant Church and a house used by Catholics for catechism classes were ordered to close their doors. Local authorities said they could not guarantee the safety of the . . . Read More

‘If Bin Laden’s disciples are seen as terrorists, why should we wonder about the ADF in DRC?’

‘If Bin Laden’s disciples are seen as terrorists, why should we wonder about the ADF in DRC?’
World Watch Monitor speaks to Nicaise Kibel’Bel Oka, editor of “Les Coulisses” (Behind the Scenes) magazine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. Oka recently published a book (in French): “The advent of jihad in DR Congo – the unknown Islamist terrorism of the ADF” (Allied Democratic Forces). WWM: Is . . . Read More

Islam to overtake Christianity as world’s largest religion by 2070?

Islam to overtake Christianity as world’s largest religion by 2070?
Islam is the world’s second-largest religion, after Christianity, but this could change if current demographic trends continue, as Islam would overtake Christianity by 2070, reports the BBC. New reporting from the US-based Pew Research Center shows that Islam is the fastest growing major religion. The reason, it says, is simply . . . Read More