DRC – more reports allege ‘caliphate’ in N. Kivu

The International Business Times UK writes about the apparent Islamic agenda of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. World Watch Monitor recently highlighted a UN report stating the same concern. Three decades since its start in Uganda in the 1990s, “the mysterious rebel . . . Read More

‘Religious freedom key to Trump war on terrorism’

An American Muslim says propagating freedom of religion is the key to US President Donald Trump’s aim to “eradicate” radicalism and terrorism “from the face of the earth”. Amer Aziz, writing for The Hill, praised the establishment in 1998 of an office of Religious Freedom in the US State Department, . . . Read More

Extremism inside Indonesia’s largest Islamic group

After Indonesian Christian leaders met the country’s President to plead for action against the country’s Islamic Defenders Front, there are now fears that the largest Islamic organisation in Indonesia may also be becoming increasingly conservative in its views. The Christian leaders told President Joko Widodo that the Islamic Defenders Front . . . Read More

Trump’s pledge to persecuted Christians – welcome news or harmful to those he seeks to protect?

Trump’s pledge to persecuted Christians – welcome news or harmful to those he seeks to protect?
Donald Trump has spoken of the need to prioritise refugees from persecuted faith groups – especially Christians – at the same time as he has halted immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. World Watch Monitor summarises the response of Christian opinion leaders in America and elsewhere. US President Donald Trump’s executive order . . . Read More

Trump’s migrant policy ‘a trap for Christians’

US President Donald Trump’s fast-tracking of Christian refugees from the Middle East will be “a trap,” according to Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako, Primate of the Eastern Catholic Church. “Every reception policy that discriminates the persecuted and suffering on religious grounds ultimately harms the Christians of the East,” he . . . Read More