‘Worship in the woods’ a year after Islamic extremists destroy Aceh churches

‘Worship in the woods’ a year after Islamic extremists destroy Aceh churches
Churches destroyed a year ago by Islamic extremists and police in Aceh Singkil – a rural ‘regency’ in Indonesia’s only Sharia-ruled province – have still not been rebuilt because of discrimination against Christians by local authorities, say church leaders. However, despite the troubles, church membership is climbing. Hardliners started destroying . . . Read More

Anglicans raise ‘religious freedom’ with Muslims

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has led a delegation of Anglican leaders to the “Muslim Council of Elders” at a meeting in Abu Dhabi, UAE, to discuss integration and religious freedom. According to Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS), a letter by Anglican Communion Secretary General Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon stressed . . . Read More

Two Pakistani Christian families escape blasphemy accusations

Two Pakistani Christian families escape blasphemy accusations
Two blasphemy cases lodged against Pakistani Christians accused of desecrating Islamic scriptures have been dropped in the past week. The cases related to alleged offences under Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws and were registered in separate incidents, hundreds of miles apart. In both cases Christians were initially suspected of the crime . . . Read More

Christian convert in French refugee camp told: ‘We will kill you’

Christian convert in French refugee camp told: ‘We will kill you’
A Kurdish church leader smuggled to Britain says he received death threats – for having left Islam for Christianity – while living in makeshift camps in northern France. The church leader, who did not wish to be identified, spent nine months living in camps outside the French cities of Calais . . . Read More

UK Foreign Office hosts global summit on freedom of religion or belief

UK Foreign Office hosts global summit on freedom of religion or belief
“Religious freedom can counter violent extremism” was the key message at a two-day global conference held at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) last week. The conference explored ways to build resilience against extremism and identified opportunities for collaboration. More than 50 expert speakers and over 170 participants from . . . Read More