Slashed by machetes and left for dead in the DRC

Slashed by machetes and left for dead in the DRC
In the volatile province of North Kivu in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a father of three has described how Islamist militants carrying guns and machetes almost killed him. Jean*, who’s recovering in hospital from his injuries, was attacked while walking home from work, when he ran into rebels. . . . Read More

Lawyers ‘threatened’ in boy’s Kaaba ‘blasphemy’ case

Lawyers ‘threatened’ in boy’s Kaaba ‘blasphemy’ case
Nabeel Masih, 16, is alleged to have “defamed” the Kaaba in Mecca, the building at the centre of Islam’s most sacred mosque.Amalia Sari / Flickr / CC   Lawyers representing a 16-year-old Pakistani Christian boy accused of blasphemy for ‘liking’ a photo posted on Facebook have reported being intimidated by . . . Read More