65,000 children freed from armed groups in 10 years

At least 65,000 children have been released from armed forces and armed groups in the past 10 years, UNICEF said as leaders from around the world gathered in Paris on 21 Feb. to mark the anniversary of the Paris Commitments to end the use of children in conflict. “Ten years . . . Read More

At least 26 killed, despite increased Nigerian Army presence in S. Kaduna

At least 26 killed, despite increased Nigerian Army presence in S. Kaduna
UPDATE (22 Feb): Heavily-armed Fulani herdsmen carried out raids on communities in Kaduna State, central Nigeria, on 19 and 20 February, destroying homes and claiming at least 26 lives, including two policemen. According to CSW, hundreds of militiamen reportedly descended on Bakin Kogi in the Kaninkon Chiefdom of Jema’a Local Government . . . Read More

Christians in Nigeria’s Jigawa State cry out as authorities begin church demolition

Christians in Nigeria’s Jigawa State cry out as authorities begin church demolition
Anxiety is high among Christian communities in Nigeria’s northern state of Jigawa after authorities began demolishing church buildings in Dutse, the state capital. On 11 January, bulldozers, escorted by security forces, reduced to rubble the Redeem Christian Church of God and the Lord Chosen Church. They arrived at the Redeem . . . Read More

‘90,000 Christian martyrs annually’ claim disputed

‘90,000 Christian martyrs annually’ claim disputed
Global charity Open Doors has disputed the way in which statistics on Christian “martyrs” are collected, arguing that an annual figure of 90,000, recently reported widely, is significantly higher than the accurately verifiable number. The figure, reported by some media and cited by an Italian academic on Vatican Radio, was . . . Read More