US religious-freedom report urges government to add 7 countries to worst-offenders list

US religious-freedom report urges government to add 7 countries to worst-offenders list
What is happening? The primary US government agency on global religious freedom issued its annual report 2 May. It says “religious freedom abroad has been under serious and sustained assault” during the past year, and says America should add seven countries to its list of worst offenders: Central African Republic . . . Read More

Boko Haram will leave legacy of ‘hatred’

Boko Haram’s terror tactics in north-eastern Nigeria have led to increasing mistrust between Christians and Muslims, according to . Long after Boko Haram has gone, she said, the insurgents will leave behind in some communities ‘a dense cloud of internecine hatred and suspicion’. Nwaubani visited Michika in the north-eastern state . . . Read More

Girl with explosives not a Chibok victim

On 29 March, World Watch Monitor  that a teenage girl, detained in Cameroon when authorities discovered she was carrying explosives, claimed she was one of the nearly 300 girls kidnapped two years ago from her school in Chibok, Nigeria. Today, the that Nigerian officials say the girl is not a Chibok . . . Read More